The Internal Medicine department is among the largest services in Suncity. This department deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of adult diseases. Our Internal Medicine Physicians manage and treat a variety of medical cases, and are fully supported by our Laboratory and Radiology services, as well as the other departments for referrals.
Internal Medicine
KIMSHEALTH Medical Center
Internal Medicine
KIMSHEALTH Medical Center
Internal Medicine
KIMSHEALTH Medical Center
Our doctors provide a holistic approach to all problems and offer a variety of services. These services include preventive screening services for health maintenance, comprehensive management of medical needs of many ailments, diagnosis, treatment and prescription of any general sicknesses, and collaborative care for patients with chronic medical illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus and respiratory diseases throughout the various stages of their illness.
Services and Treatments offered
Treatment for internal disorders, such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and problems of the lung, brain, kidney, and digestive tract.
Medication, therapy and other specialized medical care to treat or prevent illness, disease, or injury.
Provision and management of long-term, comprehensive medical care, including diagnosis and non-surgical treatment of diseases.
Management and treatment of common health problems, such as infections, influenza and pneumonia, as well as serious, chronic, and complex illnesses, in adolescents, adults, and elderly people.
Diagnoses and management when different illnesses occur together.
Immunization for protection from preventable diseases.